Sunday roast on a Thursday

It's time for a nice pan of chewy stuffing, a surprising amount of veggies, gravy, and and crisp-skinned chicken, don't you think? I do. This one has that aromatic, delicious Woodland gardens celery & hakurei turnips braised with white wine and homemade chicken stock, citrus, herb, & garlic-marinated chicken, and cornbread dressing.

The soup is a more modern chicken treatment: the return of the chicken soup with grains and greens. Farro, kale, and lemon with a classic chicken soup base. I got so much positive feedback on this one, I couldn't not bring it back.

The salad is a colorful little number this week, with yellow, purple AND pink beets, cabbage and noodles, but it's the dressing that has me feeling ALIVE y'all. Super-toasty sunflower seeds, mustard and fermented brine from the kale stems. It's light and nutty and gingery and surprisingly aromatic and I want it on everything. 

If you need something to rescue you when you're DONE with a long day and feeling less vigorous, I have grassfed bolognese for you. Rich and meaty, with lots of tomatoes, herbs, and caramelized veggies, it's perfect when you need to eat well easily. I just dumped it on leftover ramen noodles and melted cheese on top, but you could stir it into polenta or stoneground grits to get your whole grains, or bake it with cooked white beans for a hearty, high-protein gratin. (Would I eat that with significant amounts of oil-toasted bread? Yes. I would).

And finally the sweet this week is brownies. With coffee and smoky cardamom. I hope you'll treat yourself. You deserve it. 


Green green greens


The comfiest comfort food